Some key events/ things to know.

World Map

For context, the world in which this story takes place has a world layout different to ours (seen below). Because of this, characters are described more broadly in their race/ ethnicity to be understood, and any inconsistencies with countries or continent locations are just because of this.

Leviathan Rising

Where it all began. During the early 1920s an unexplained catastrophic event occurred in North East France, causing the rise of the Leviathan from the earth. This dormant, monolithic creature now acts as a wall bordering off a large area within Europe, of which no one has seen the inside of and come back from alive.


During the Rising a large wave of Mutational Energy was released, it acts similar to radiation, invisible and lingering around the effected areas even hundreds of years after the inciting event. Some things effected by the energy are mutated based on their original form, because of this it is easy to identify what the organism was before. For example; a Roe Deer hit with Mutational Energy will still hold some characteristics of the species, and will still most likely be smaller than an Elk or a Moose.

The Broadcast

After the events in 1930, a broadcast message was sent out to all television and radio signals from an unknown figure. None of the public could make sense of the message, and all we could learn from the broadcast was the name of he who made it; Azazel.

Crater Cities

Along with the Rising, many large craters were made in the surrounding areas from debris. These are known as Crater Cities, with bad air quality and a lack of law and control, those who are poorer were pressured to living there after most fled from France.


LIMBO is a once independent organisation, now funded by the government to explore the Leviathan and protect the general populous from Mutants. Turns out there's a lot more at stake than what it seems from the outside.

Cards/ Divine Abilities

Cards are the primary power system in this world. Formatted the same as a traditional tarot, with additional information on the back, these cards yield a unique power to the people that own them. Their origins are unknown, and all who get them find them seemingly by chance, yet they seem to compliment each user in strange ways.

Blood CardsSpirit Cards
- Usually wield physically stronger powers, if the user's blood comes into contact with a mutant, they are also susceptible to mutation.- Not as strong but oftentimes more complex, if the user's blood comes into contact with a mutant they are not susceptible to mutation.

Past Lives

Past lives can be thought of as a sort of reincarnation. When someone dies, their soul will be 'recycled' based on a number of factors, (things like time and location of death, connection to the deceased person in appearance, personality or familliarity) these factors can also carry over into the next person, blurring the line between originality. What if you are living a life that isn't special? What if you are just as replaceable as the last.